Gov. Bill Haslam’s administration took its charm offensive to the state legislature Wednesday, with a session aimed at convincing reluctant lawmakers to take the “courageous step” of supporting his Insure Tennessee health care plan.
Over boxed lunches,
aides to the Republican governor urged several dozen lawmakers
to set aside their opposition to health care reform and get behind a program that could benefit thousands of working Tennesseans
The pitch came as Haslam continued a barnstorming tour that has taken him to many hospitals and clinics serving many of their constituents.
Rural lawmakers, like Rep. Tim Wirgau, R-Buchanan,
seemed to be the most receptive.
“I know how I personally feel about the Affordable Care Act, but I’ve also watched us use it as a political ping-pong ball to bounce it back and forth,” he said. “I applaud you for tackling this head on.”
Skepticism toward Insure Tennessee has been rife around the Capitol. Many lawmakers worry the state could be on the hook financially if costs of the program go up.
Some, such as Rep. Andy Holt, R-Dresden, also hold philosophical objections to Haslam’s proposal.
“I’ll tell you what I see,” he said. “I see a plan that will create more dependency.”
But Haslam aides, led by chief of staff Mark Cate,
touted Insure Tennessee as potentially reducing the state’s health care costs, even as they increased their estimate of the number of people who could enroll to 280,000.
Previously, the administration had said they expected 200,000 to sign up.
Insure Tennessee calls for boosting coverage for poor Tennesseans through two separate plans. Those who qualify for — but can’t afford — insurance through their employers would receive subsidies for those health packages. Others would be enrolled in a program like TennCare, the state’s Medicaid program, but with co-payments and incentives meant to encourage healthier behaviors.
The federal government and Tennessee hospitals have pledged to cover the full cost of Insure Tennessee. Administration officials also reiterated their belief that Tennessee could pull out of Insure Tennessee later if costs rise or it doesn’t work as expected.
The legislature officially begins debate on Insure Tennessee when a special session opens Monday.
wouldn’t say how many votes the administration thinks it has lined up, but he said the measure has a reasonable chance of victory.
“We think there are a lot of folks that do believe in this,” said
”We’re still optimistic.”