For some students in Middle Tennessee, the chaos of this spring started well before the coronavirus closed schools.
Christian Mahan and his classmates at Upperman High School in Putnam County also endured the deadly tornado in early March. But in our 2020 Valedictorian Speeches series, he says they will emerge from the crises stronger than ever.
Listen to his speech or read the transcript below:
As I entered my final year of high school before transitioning to the next chapter of my life, I did not foresee any monumental occurrences and challenges that would define both the end of my high school career and the year 2020. The senior year for my classmates and I was supposed to be filled with fun, excitement, and enjoyable memories that we could reminisce about for years to come. But instead our last year together was abruptly interrupted. Everything we had worked for had suddenly vanished — causing us to take a new path of uncertainty.
While the rest of the nation was only affected by the perilous coronavirus, the Upperman High School community and Putnam County was also devastated by a deadly tornado that took numerous homes and claimed the lives of 19 people. The burden of both the coronavirus and the tornado has further compounded the distress and agony that has rippled across our community.
What matters most in this troubling time is what we can gain from addressing these difficult situations by using what we’ve been given and what we know. While the Class of 2020 will overcome this perilous time, it is only just that we analyze our experiences and apply them toward a better future. The Upperman community has shown that we can and will emerge from any situation stronger than before. Our undying love and support for each other and our experience with these recent disasters have strengthened our character as we remain vigilant for the future.
In the midst of all the chaos and confusion, the world around me became darker. I had to give myself hope by continuously thinking about both the past and the present with regard to how I can make my future better, even when it felt like the whole world was working against me. Among all the important lessons high school has given me, the experiences from this year will forever define my character.
To all who listen to me today, I want you to know that you will also emerge greater than before. While life is currently in a cycle of unfairness and uncertainty, I must reiterate that you need to retain hope even though all may seem to be lost. Our existence in this unprecedented time has forever changed us, and we must ultimately use our current experiences to seek a better future for ourselves, our loved ones, and our world.