Boxwell Reservation has hosted camps for Boy Scouts since 1959. Located in Lebanon, Tenn., Boxwell offers campers an opportunity to obtain merit badges by participating in various activities that may be difficult to do at home. This past weekend there was a reunion for Camp Boxwell staff members, celebrating the camp’s anniversary. Here are some of our favorite photos taken over the last 55 years.

1. A scout bravely tries to earn his archery badge. Rock Island, 1950s.

2. Campers attempt to obtain the Rowing Merit Badge. Camp Parnell, 1980s.

3. Scouts wear togas for an unknown reason. Camp Parnell, 1970s.

4. Scouts often participate in unidentifiable skits and entertainment during mealtimes. Camp Stahlman, 2004.

5. The staff of the boat harbor poses nonchalantly with some cats. Boat Harbor, 1997.

6. Unknown campers participating in an unknown activity. Camp Craig, 2004.

7. The staff happily poses for its annual picture. Craig Waterfront, 1991.

8. Recreation of the camp favorite “Critter Crawl” which, in this case, involves turtle ‘racing’. Camp Boxwell Reservation Staff Reunion, 1983.

9. Traditional Friday night campfire with a staff member dressed as a Native American dancer– a common activity in the camp’s early years. Boxwell Reservation, 1970s.

10. All but one take the plunge into the lake and nearly break the dock. Camp Craig, 2005.
Credit for the photos is Virtual Boxwell’s Flickr Page.