Cyntoia Brown will be released from prison Wednesday, having served 15 years for killing a man while a victim of sex trafficking as a teenager. Former Gov. Bill Haslam granted Brown full clemency in January, saying her life sentence was too harsh. Brown’s case raises questions about the state’s strict sentencing guidelines.
One Year After Daniel Hambrick Was Shot By A Police Officer, What’s Changed?
Listen The sun is starting to sink on a humid summer evening when a crowd of friends and family members link arms, holding candles. Drops of hot wax spill onto the grass at a park across the street from where Daniel Hambrick was shot one year ago.
Vecinos Impidieron Un Arresto De ICE En Su Comunidad. ¿Qué Pasa Ahora?
Read in English. En medio de redadas de inmigración a gran escala, agentes federales (ICE) llegaron a una subdivisión tranquila en Hermitage el lunes por la mañana para hacer un arresto. Videos en donde aparecían residentes y activistas locales haciendo una cadena humana para proteger a su vecino rápidamente se volvieron virales.
Neighbors Prevented An ICE Arrest In Their Community. But What Happens Now?
Listen Leer en español. Amid threats of large-scale raids, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents showed up in a quiet Hermitage subdivision Monday morning to make an arrest. Videos soon went viral of residents and local activists forming a human chain to protect their neighbor.
Pact With Police Lays Out What Nashville’s New Oversight Board Can — And Can’t — Do
Nashville’s new Community Oversight Board has been in place for six months and has already launched three investigations. At its monthly meeting Wednesday night, the 11-member board took the next step toward finalizing its agreement with police and approved a draft of the contract.
Residentes De Hermitage Apoyan Vecinos Apuntados Por Oficiales De Inmigración
For an English version of this story, click here. Oficiales de inmigración enfrentaron estuvieron en un punto muerto por varias horas el lunes cuando intentaron detener a un hombre en Hermitage. Nadie fue arrestado, pero el incidente pasó en medio de temores de redadas de inmigración a través del país.
Hermitage Residents Rally Around Neighbor Targeted By Immigration Officials
Listen Leer en español. Immigration officials faced an hours-long standoff Monday when they attempted to detain a Hermitage man. No one was arrested, but the incident comes amid fears of immigration raids nationwide.
Activists And Lawmakers Push To Restore Felony Voting Rights In Tennessee
Listen There’s a new push to restore voting rights to felons in Tennessee. Several states, including Florida and New York, have recently expanded enfranchisement to convicted felons. Local politicians and activists say felon enfranchisement is an especially important issue in Tennessee.
50 Years After The Moon Landing, A Tennessee Engineer Remembers Testing The Apollo Rocket’s Engine
Listen Some kids dream of going to the moon. But from the time he was in eighth grade, Bill Baker knew he wanted to help build the rockets that would send people there.
Curious Nashville: What’s The Difference Between Refugees, Asylum Seekers And Immigrants?
Listen The crisis at the U.S. southern border has dominated headlines for weeks. But it can be hard to make sense of who exactly immigrates, and why.