While the Special Olympics Summer and Winter World Games happen every four years, Special Olympics Tennessee offers year-round, local programs available to youth and adults.
Today, we’re talking with local athletes, coaches and the organization’s team members to learn about Special Olympics sport competitions, inclusive sports teams called unified teams, and the health-focused Healthy Athletes and Fit-4-Life programs that all promote health, fun, leadership and friendships between people of all abilities here in Tennessee. Plus, if you’re looking to get involved, we’ll share the many ways you can. Join us!
- Brittany Meyer, Special Olympics Athlete
- Harlan Waltz, Special Olympics Athlete
- Amy D’Angelo, Teacher and Special Olympics Coach
- Justin Bradford, Special Olympics Tennessee
- Dr. Chris Frost, Chief Medical Officer Lifepoint Health

Special Olympic Athletes who participated in the Fit-4-Life program.
This episode was produced by Katherine Ceicys.