Advances in AI technology have been surfacing in all manners of media — from visual art to written word. One application of Artificial Intelligence that has Nashvillians speculating is the use of AI in music.
It’s easy to get up in arms when thinking about bots replacing human voices, instrumentalists and songwriters. But how realistic are those fears? And what about AI tools that are already being used in production and engineering? At what point does use of, or collaboration with AI tools become copyrightable? Who gets the royalties if AI writes a hit song? Today, we talk to musicians, critics, producers and an entertainment lawyer to unpack this complex new advance.
But first, we address listener feedback in our weekly @ Us! segment.
- Dr. Nathan Adam, Professor of Emerging Media at Belmont, A/V producer
- Melody Walker, songwriter and artist who host weekly writers’ round
- Craig Havighurst, Editorial director WMOT
- Jeremy Brook, Founder of Brook law firm, entertainment attorney
- Charles Alexander, CEO of Launcher and Outside the Box Music, songwriter, musician
This episode was produced by Magnolia McKay.