The fate of school vouchers in Tennessee was thrown into doubt Tuesday as the governor’s proposal was effectively withdrawn from consideration in the state House. The sponsoring lawmaker says it’s just a scheduling issue.
Knoxville Republican Bill Dunn says he’s waiting on the Senate. That chamber hasn’t taken any votes on the limited proposal from the governor to pay private school tuition for low-income kids in low-performing schools. Dunn says otherwise, backers and opponents would have to show up to every committee meeting prepared to testify.
“This way they know when I put it back on notice, it’s time to talk.”
There is a competing voucher proposal that would expand the tuition aid beyond poor families. But that bill hasn’t moved in either the Senate or the House.
Last year, the governor pulled his own school voucher plan from consideration after lawmakers tried to expand it without his blessing.
A spokesman for Governor Haslam says his voucher proposal can still be resurrected at any time, though the session is winding down for the year.