How to make it easier to get around Downtown Nashville? That’s the question Metro Public Works is trying to answer with its “Multimodal Mobility Study”. During the project’s third and final open house Tuesday, team members presented no fewer than 77 recommendations, including designated taxi stands, more bike lanes and possible changes to Downtown parking.
The ideas include the addition of parking meters that accept credit cards and allowing parking prices to change based on demand. Another is a smart phone app to help drivers find available spots, says traffic engineer Bob Murphy:
“Lots of times, whether it’s on street or in a parking garage, [drivers] are not always going to the closest spot. I think I saw one study that said 30 percent of congestion in downtown areas is due to people looking for parking.”
Several of the outlined projects are already underway, including street improvements around the new baseball stadium and connecting Division Street to 2nd Avenue. Others, including the parking proposals, are still in the conceptual phase and would require approval of the Metro Council.