Metro Planners were set to discuss giving developer Tony Giaratanna an opportunity to convince them May Town Center deserved a second zoning hearing, until Giaratanna pulled his request just moments before the meeting.
Last month, the planning commission rejected May Town’s zoning plan. Developers were scheduled to discuss with Metro Planners on having another hearing on the project, but moments before the meeting they decided to pull their request altogether.
Even though the do over request was withdrawn, it can be brought back within 60 days. Sumter Camp, who lives in Bells Bend and is opposed to the project, isn’t surprised by the developers’ last minute change of heart, but feels like it’s time to move on.
“I think the commissioners all knew exactly what they were doing and on what they were voting when they made the vote last month.”
The project’s lead developer Tony Giarratanna did not speak during the hearing, nor did he comment afterwards. While his first request for a rehearing was on the grounds that commissioners made mistakes, if he should decide to ask again for a “redo” it can be for different reasons.