Metro Nashville Public Schools is trying to fill more than 250 staff vacancies. It just held a hiring fair over the weekend looking for teachers, bus drivers and nutrition service workers.
The public school director over hirings in Metro Nashville says 70% of the people who showed up to Saturday’s fair walked away with a recommendation for hire, which will fill 130 of the vacancies. Amber Tyus says the remaining openings are on par with last year’s.
She says that, if they don’t fill the 240 teacher vacancies by the time students return on Aug. 8, they do have backup plans in place.
“So, you have your permanent substitutes, you have your school administrators, our principals, our assistant principals, our instructional coaches, our deans of education,” Tyus said. “All of those individuals who are without students on a daily basis are very capable of stepping into the classroom and filling in without a teacher being present.”
The greatest need is for math and science teachers.
As for hiring more bus drivers, Tyus says incentives are being offered like increased pay and helping them to get their CDL license, a requirement for the job.