What does 109 degrees really feel like?
We dive into what it was like to cover — and live through — a record-breaking summer day in 2012. Plus the local news for June 28 and an excerpt from episode two of Supermajority from WPLN’s Meribah Knight and NPR’s Embedded.

On June 30, 2012, amid a record-setting heat wave, Justin McKee and Brittney Hayes were married on a day that hit 106 degrees. Event photographer Allan Williams says they didn’t even appear to sweat, “which just kind of blows my mind.”

Amid a record-setting heat wave and on a day that hit 106 degrees (June 30, 2012), Brittney Hayes insisted on being photographed outdoors in her wedding gown. Event photographer Allan Williams says the field portrait was the hottest part of the day, “and I think we had her under umbrellas anytime we were changing lenses.”
This is a production of Nashville Public Radio
Host/producer: Tony Gonzalez
Editor: Miriam Kramer
Additional support: Mack Linebaugh, Tony Gonzalez, Rachel Iacovone, LaTonya Turner and the staff of WPLN and WNXP