The Tennessee General Assembly adopted new rules Monday night for special session. Democrats in the chamber spoke up against several of the rules — most of which they feel target them and members of the public who want gun control policies.
Rule 2 allows House Speaker Cameron Sexton to not recognize representatives in debate or remarks on the floor if he decides they are exhibiting disorderly behavior or speaking off topic. Rules like this have been used to cut off mics in the past, but now the penalty has increased for subsequent violations. If a member is ruled out of order a third time, they can be silenced for the remainder of that annual session.
Rep. Justin Jones, D-Nashville, believes it goes against his oath of office.
“Being silenced is a dereliction of my duty as a representative. Sitting down silently is failing in my oath that I said that I would challenge and not assent to any legislation that is injurious to the people,” Jones said.
Rule 4 doesn’t allow members to hold up signs, flags or banners in the galleries while they watch lawmakers discuss bills. Signs have been used as a standard practice for people to state their opinion in the past. Last session, several people held signs up during floor sessions in order to signify how they’d like members to vote on specific bills, or to make their statements known.
This rule was already broken during the House Civil Justice Subcommittee meeting on Tuesday. A woman was holding up a sign that read “1 Kid > All The Guns” was physically removed after she refused to put down her sign. Not long after, during that same meeting, the room was cleared of all public guests due to some in attendance clapping after a bill that would allow people with enhanced permits to carry firearms on school properties was tabled.
And while it’s not a rule outside of the chambers, people aren’t allowed to walk around the capitol freely. Tennessee Highway Patrol troopers have put up barricades to prevent people from walking in certain areas and have also limited how many people can come into the Capitol. Last session, there were well over 300 people in buildings. This time around, THP says the capacity is a little over 200.
Rep. Jones says the rules and procedures being followed go against people’s rights.
“It is extreme. It is something that is shameful. It is a clear signal of the leadership of Cameron Sexton that this is no longer the people’s house,” said Jones. “That he’s treating this like a private palace, a private country club, his own fraternity house, whatever you want to call it.”
Rule 60 has to do with amendments to bills. It doesn’t allow amendments to be taken up unless they were turned in four hours ahead of being considered. Rep. Justin J. Pearson, D-Memphis, believes it will limit lawmakers’ chances of trying to change a bill they may not agree with.
“I believe that’s another attempt to silence the voices of our people. The amount of time that we get to actually respond to the legislation that is happening — that is and will be harmful to our state,” Pearson said.
The bill would make it almost impossible for lawmakers to make amendments the day of. For instance, if a session or committee begins at 9 a.m., the latest an amendment can be turned in is at 5 a.m., which is likely before House Clerks are at work and ready to accept those.
There are several other rules. View the whole list here.