Proposed taxes are drawing voters to the polls in several Tennessee counties, including Sumner, where a budget battle delayed the start of school by nearly two weeks. A $25 increase in car registrations is splitting voters who consider themselves conservative.
The Sumner County Commission refused to raise property taxes when the schools needed more money but agreed to putting an increase of the wheel tax on the ballot.
Stay-at-home mom Kara Thayn – who has a child in public schools – says she still believes the system can do without.
“They always try to make you feel bad for the schools – or whatever – but they get enough money.”
During heated budget meetings, many parents begged that the county commission just raise property taxes.
Mother Mahlon Hellman says she’s no fan of writing checks to the government, unless she’s paying for a direct service.
“When it’s for the school, I think we should do it.”
Hellman says she supports the $25 wheel tax hike, which should raise $3 million a year earmarked for education. However, Hellman says she doesn’t believe the referendum will pass. While parents are split, retirees – she says – seem to be opposed.