With businesses like Oracle moving in, Nashville is scrambling to fill all the new tech jobs before outsiders do. Reporter Damon Mitchell joins This Is Nashville to talk about the coming wave and whose responsibility it is to get a workforce up to speed.
Plus, Jama Mohamed, a technical resident at HCA Healthcare, shares how he decided to pivot careers mid-stream, go through a 6-month training program, and land a tech job the very next month.
Even though he sorted out his own education, he says, “I do think that it is on companies to train their workforce.”
“I think so often the risk of education falls on the worker, and that paradigm … has to shift,” he says. “It cannot be this way — where we expect workers to become ‘flight ready, out of the box.'”
Mohamed says that’s simply not sustainable.
“I do think that the employer should have more skin in the game,” he says. “Schools should have more skin in the game and … it shouldn’t be all on the student to figure everything out.”