TennCare hired Northrop Grumman to build a system that supposed to be done a year and a half ago and remains nowhere near complete.
Patients Sue TennCare For Giving Them The Runaround
Infants waiting on vaccinations, pregnant women forgoing prenatal care and people with deadly infections refusing to go to the hospital — these are the kinds of anecdotes contained in a new lawsuit against Tennessee’s Medicaid program.
Impending Insurance Mandate Drives More Than Expected To TennCare
People are flooding the state’s Medicaid program – known as TennCare. They’re trying to get coverage to avoid a penalty under the Affordable Care Act. State officials were expecting people who were already eligible for government-funded health care to sign up – just not this many.
Obamacare May Usher More Patients Into TennCare Than First Thought
As a result of Obamacare’s online insurance marketplace, more than 9,000 Tennesseans have been *redirected to the state’s Medicaid program known as TennCare. The agency expected a surge of signups, but it didn’t anticipate quite this many.