More soldiers from the 101st airborne division will be coming home from Liberia in early February. But the rest are waiting to hear whether the mission to fight Ebola is over — or whether they’ll be sent to a different part of West Africa.
Fort Campbell Soldiers Returning From Ebola Mission Will Spend 3 Weeks Quarantined In Texas
Soldiers will be kept on task for eight hours a day as they wait out the incubation period of the Ebola virus.
Fort Campbell Soldiers Deployed To Liberia Could Start Returning In January
The Army’s mission in Liberia in response to the Ebola virus has been scaled back, according to Pentagon officials.
Fort Campbell Soldiers On Ebola Mission Swing Hammers In Liberia
Fort Campbell soldiers wearing hardhats and fatigues have already gotten to work in Liberia building Ebola treatment units.
Fort Campbell Soldiers In Liberia Knew 21-Day Isolation Was Likely
The Pentagon says a dozen soldiers – including a two-star general – are being held on a base in Italy before being allowed to come home. The Department of Defense says this will be the policy for the time being, though it’s not required by Pentagon guidelines.
Ebola Fighters From 101st Airborne Hold Pre-Deployment Ceremony
As a final formal ceremony before leaving for West Africa, Fort Campbell soldiers cased their colors on Tuesday, essentially boxing up their unit flags until they arrive in Liberia for a six-month stay.
Dallas To Nashville Passengers Remain ‘Fairly Calm’ Despite On-Flight Ebola Scare
A plane-load of passengers from Dallas sat on a runway in Nashville until early Monday morning waiting to see if someone who’d gotten sick mid-flight might have Ebola. They remained relatively calm despite the scare.
Some 101st Airborne Troops Fear Ebola More Than Enemy Fighters
One of the military’s most heavily deployed Army divisions since 9/11 is prepping for a mission where flack jackets will do very little and rubber gloves save a lives. The 101st Airborne leaves for Liberia over the next few weeks. And soldiers say in some ways, Ebola is a more intimidating enemy than insurgents.
Fort Campbell Troops On Ebola Mission Won’t Get Full Protective Gear
Troops from the 101st Airborne Division leading the military response to Ebola in West Africa will only need gloves and masks to protect themselves from the deadly virus, so said Gen. David Rodriguez at a Pentagon briefing Wednesday.
Tennessee Health Commissioner On Alert, But Thinks Ebola Risk Is Low
Health Commissioner John Dreyzehner says he doesn’t want Tennesseans to panic when they travel, and he wants them to pay attention to the facts about the disease.