Temperatures across Tennessee ranged from subzero to over 100 degrees last year, and the average ended up hot.
Nashville just had its hottest year on record, for the 2nd year in a row
Nashville experienced its hottest year on record in 2024, breaking the record set in 2023.
Nashville issues 7th heat advisory this summer
Heat is the leading cause of weather-related deaths in the U.S. and globally. Heat can strain organs in bodies as people try to cool down, worsening conditions like heart disease, diabetes and asthma. Heat risk communication like heat advisories, however, varies across the country.
Tennessee heat wave dangers aren’t just physical. They can damage mental health too.
A cold, dreary winter might be what comes to mind when we think of “seasonal depression.” But there is mounting evidence that hot summers — especially during heat waves — can bring us down too.
Nashville is 53-56% forested. Here’s why it probably doesn’t seem that way.
Nashville may have the largest urban tree canopy among major U.S. cities. In December, the city published its first comprehensive urban tree canopy assessment measuring our trees — and tree loss — over an 11-year period.
Nashville just had its 2nd-hottest spring on record
“We have seen a lot of these warming trends, especially in those nighttime temperatures,” says Wil Tollefson, Tennessee’s assistant state climatologist.
Spring came early in Nashville. That could be a problem for pollinators.
Nashville sprouted leaves by Feb. 10 this year, marking the third-earliest leaf out on record since at least 1981.
Tennessee weather in 2023 was defined by winter heat, destructive winds and drought
In 2023, the year started hot and it ended as Nashville’s hottest year on record.
Mayor Cooper drops a plan for adapting to climate change on his way out the door
Soon after taking office, Mayor John Cooper signed the Global Covenant of Mayors, committing the city to creating plans to both mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Has Nashville been hot or just…average…in 2023?
In Nashville, the first seven months of the year have been warmer than average. But the reason why has been easy to overlook.