Public support for Tennessee politicians has risen in recent months, according to a Vanderbilt poll out Friday. However, the report also found that support is higher for measures that the Republican-controlled statehouse opposes, including abortion access and gun reform.
Study: Medicaid expansion could cover 150,000 more Tennesseans and save the state millions of dollars
A new study on Medicaid expansion argues that Tennessee could give 150,000 more residents health coverage and still end up saving money.
TennCare would cover more pregnancies and diapers under proposal from Gov. Bill Lee
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee is proposing a significant expansion of the state’s Medicaid program, known as TennCare, using money from a new deal negotiated with the Trump Administration described as a “block grant.”
How optimism can close the coverage gap between TennCare and the ACA marketplace
More than 2 million low-income people are uninsured because they earn too much for Medicaid and too little to qualify for a subsidized plan. Here’s how they can get coverage.
Study: Residents Of Southern States Without Medicaid Expansion Have Far More Medical Debt
People who live in the South owe doctors and hospitals more than three times as much as those who live in the Northeast. That’s according to a new study that looked at unpaid medical debts in collections for the last decade and found that medical debt started shrinking after the implementation of Obamacare, as more people were covered by insurance.
Medicaid’s Future Hinges On Who Wins The White House
It was either put food on the table or drop their health insurance, says Oscar Anchia of Miami. His wife’s coverage was costing $700 a month, and his hours had been cut back because of the coronavirus pandemic. So Anchia made the difficult decision to drop his spouse from his policy, because they needed the […]
Tennessee House Panel Commits To Full Hearing On Medicaid Expansion
Medicaid expansion remains a long shot in Tennessee. But a key lawmaker is pledging to give it a fair hearing this year.
The Tri-Star State: Tennessee Democrats Hopeful Gov. Lee Will Support Some Medicaid Expansion
Listen Contrary to Democrats, Republicans in the Tennessee General Assembly have resisted for years the idea of expanding the state’s Medicaid program, also known as TennCare. They repeatedly blocked Gov. Bill Haslam’s efforts to expand coverage.
Moderate Republicans Vote To Leave Medicaid Expansion To Tennessee’s Governor
Moderate Republicans may have kept Tennessee’s Governor from having his hands tied regarding Medicaid expansion. They voted with Democrats Tuesday on the powerful Senate Finance Committee to leave the state’s options open.
What You Won’t Hear In Tonight’s State Of The State Address
Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam will give the final State of the State Address of his first term tonight. Little is known about what he will say. But there are some guesses about what he won’t.