For all property owners in Nashville, it’s a big year. That’s because it’s time for the city’s property reassessment.
Gun violence prevention, transit and housing: what Nashvillians want their city to fund
Nashvillians gathered this week before the Metro Council to request salary increases for Metro employees and more funding for the arts and affordable housing, among other causes.
NashVillager Podcast: Welcome to budget season
How does Metro make its money? Plus the local news for Nov. 13, 2024.
Nashville’s Metro Council passes substitute budget with resounding support
Nashville’s Metro Council approved the city’s spending plan Tuesday, unanimously voting in support of Metro Council Budget Chair Delishia Porterfield’s substitute budget.
Cost-of-living adjustments, violence prevention programs and more: Metro Council ready to vote on budget
Metro employees could receive a bigger paycheck, if approved by Nashville’s Metro Council. A new alternative to the mayor’s budget also includes programs to prevent violence, help for residents facing evictions and more.
Nashville’s youth ask the city for restorative justice and gun violence prevention funding
Earlier this week, as Nashvillians gathered at city hall to share their desires for the city budget with Metro councilmembers, one ask stood high above the rest: the Varsity Spending Plan.
In his first State of Metro address, Nashville’s mayor highlights transit planning, the East Bank and his ‘do stuff’ budget
On Tuesday morning, hundreds gathered at the Nashville Fairgrounds for Mayor Freddie O’Connell’s assessment of how the city is faring.
Metro spending will be mostly static as Nashville tax revenues plateau
Nashville city departments will have to do some belt-tightening under the mayor’s newly proposed budget, which outlines $3.27 billion in spending for the upcoming fiscal year.
Affordable housing, bike safety and the arts dominate funding requests during Nashville Metro Council’s pre-budget public comment period
Given an invite to share thoughts about Nashville’s spending priorities, residents turned out for Tuesday night’s Metro Council meeting.
By rejecting contract for new Tasers, Nashville’s city council teases a new approach on police funding
“MNPD is the only department that we have refused to say ‘no’ to, and we treat them as if they have unfettered access to the coffers,” said Councilmember Delishia Porterfield.