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MTSU Poll Finds Bredesen More Attractive To Independents Than Blackburn
A new poll by Middle Tennessee State University suggests that Governor Phil Bredesen holds a fairly substantial lead over Congressman Marsha Blackburn in the early stages of the race for the U.S. Senate.
MTSU Poll: Obama Support In Tennessee Keeps Sliding
As President Barack Obama heads to Tennessee Thursday, he will arrive in a state where nearly twice as many people disapprove of his job performance as approve. New polling from MTSU finds the President continues to lose ground.
MTSU Poll: Wide Support for Haslam Among Dems, Independents
More than half of Democrats like the job Bill Haslam is doing as Governor. A new poll from MTSU also shows the governor getting high marks among independents. Haslam wins support from 54 % of Democrats. With Independents, it’s 76 %.