About 200,000 Tennesseans are visiually impaired, and they can have a hard time managing prescription medications. That will be easier now because of a policy that went into effect this year.
Tennessee Makes A Way To Give Charity Pharmacies Unused Drugs
Listen Tennessee health officials are writing new rules that would give people a way to donate unused drugs to charity. The legislature passed a bill earlier this year modeled after a statute in Iowa.
Latest Detox Drug For Opiates Will Be Regulated In Tennessee, But Maybe Not As Much As Methadone
Listen Tennessee lawmakers have grappled for two years with how to regulate the newest kind of opiate detox drugs — which have their own potential for abuse. They’ve found a compromise with doctors, who didn’t want to make getting help any harder for heroin addicts and pain pill abusers.
Tennessee Mental Health Chief Wants More Regulation For Suboxone Clinics
Listen Tennessee’s mental health commissioner says he’d like to see tighter restrictions on so-called Suboxone clinics. These are doctors’ offices where medication is used to get patients off heroin or pain pills.
Statewide Plan To Target Prescription Drug Abuse Focuses On Treatment
Among the recommendations is to provide specialized treatment for mothers with addictions to painkillers. This comes months after the governor signed a bill that criminalizes pregnant women who harm their fetus by illegally using drugs without getting treatment.