Mass testing at two Tennessee prisons has uncovered nearly 2,000 cases of the coronavirus behind bars so far.
From Prison To Pandemic: What Reentry Looks Like During COVID-19
Reentering society after a lengthy prison sentence is difficult even in the best of times. But these days, it’s harder than usual. Jobs are scarce, resources are limited, and support systems have been forced apart. Those leaving prison are finding that adjusting back to “normal” life isn’t an option right now.
Nashville Has Reduced Its Jail Population By 15% In The Past Month. Will It Last After Coronavirus?
Nearly 200 people have been freed from Nashville’s jails since the first COVID-19 case was reported in the state last month. The sheriff, public defender and district attorney are racing the clock to get as many people out as they can before COVID-19 starts spreading behind bars. And the virus has forced officials to think […]
Lawmakers Take Parole Board to Task Over Audit
Officials from the State Board of Parole faced a committee of angry legislators Wednesday. They wanted to know why officers continued to report on more than 80 parolees, even after they died.