Gaming = community. That’s what this is about. It’s about connecting with people, learning new skills and breaking out of your comfort zone. Throughout the pandemic, gaming brought a lot of folks together online — in an otherwise isolating time. Whether role-playing, board games, e-sports or virtual gaming, the gaming subculture is alive and thriving […]
Nashville Musicians Union Criticizes Tax Incentives For Video Game Publishers
Listen Tennessee wants to encourage video game publishers to bring their musical score work here, but union officials say that the plan is opening a door for cheaper, non-union musicians willing to work for lower wages.
How Nashville Wants To Use A New Law To Become A Video Game Recording Hub
Musical scoring for video games is on the rise in Nashville, especially after publisher Electronic Arts moved its orchestral work to the city in 2014. The state legislature passed the Visual Content Modernization Act in May in an effort to fuel even more growth by offering tax rebates.”They always talked about the top two recording […]