Eleven residents of Sumner County have been charged with illegally registering to vote and illegally voting. Authorities say those charged were ineligible to vote due to felony convictions.
Tennessee inflicts a strict voter re-registration process on formerly incarcerated people. A trial will determine if it’s constitutional.
Across America around 4.6 million formerly incarcerated people are barred from voting. And in Tennessee, a recent state Supreme Court ruling makes it harder for anyone with a conviction on their record — either in or out of state — to get their voting rights reinstated.
Hundreds of thousands of Tennesseans can’t vote because of a felony conviction. They are challenging state law to have their voices heard.
Tennessee has one of the highest rates of voter disenfranchisement in the country. About 1.7 million Tennesseans voted during last week’s election, but more than 400,000 residents could not have their voices heard at the polls.
Tennessee’s voter registration deadline is here. You have until the close of business Tuesday if you want to vote this midterm.
Tuesday is the last day to register in Tennessee for the 2022 midterm elections. There’s still time to register online and in person.
More Tennessee women are registering to vote. Polling suggests abortion is the reason.
The New York Times reported noticeable gains in women registering to vote in several states, including key swing states like Pennsylvania and Ohio. Numbers in Tennessee show that could be happening here, too.
Nashville Sees 30% Jump In Registered Voters Ahead Of General Election
Nearly 450,000 Nashvillians have registered to vote, up from about 340,000 in the last presidential election, and many of them signed up only in the last few months.
Voter Registration Approaches Four Million as Deadline Nears
The agency behind Nashville’s public art projects hope its fanciful bike racks and statues will soon be marked on Google Maps. Next month, the Metro Arts Commission will ask city leaders for approval to participate in the nationwide effort to include works of art on the online app.