Rutherford County’s mask mandate will end today at 5, as the mayor discontinues the rule about a week earlier than expected.
Monorail To Murfreesboro: Transit Planners Say It’s Too Costly, But TDOT Will Study It Anyway
State Senator Bill Ketron says he’s serious about building a monorail down the median of I-24, and has even discussed it with a Canadian train manufacturer. Others say we’ve already considered this idea.
House Panel Kills Nashville-Murfreesboro Monorail Study
A bill to study the feasibility of a Monorail from Nashville to Murfreesboro appears to be dead for the year. Murfreesboro State Senator Bill Ketron floated the idea of a monorail along Interstate 24, citing growing traffic congestion between Nashville and Rutherford County.
Year’s First Public Bill Signing For Haslam: Wine In Supermarkets
A proposal allowing wine to be sold in grocery stores got special treatment at the state capitol Thursday. Governor Bill Haslam held his first public bill signing of the year.
Democrats Help Pass College ID Voter Law in Senate
Despite some opposition from his own party yesterday, a Murfreesboro Republican won passage of a measure that would make college IDs sufficient forms of voter identification.
Contested Wine in Grocery Stores Bill Begins Legislative Journey
A measure to allow grocery stores to sell wine begins working its way through the state legislature this week. A Senate committee has set aside two hours this afternoon to hear from supermarkets which want the change, and from liquor stores which currently have control of all wine sales in Tennessee.
Legislature Per Diem Limits Put Off Over Fairness Questions
A proposal meant to stop legislators who live near the state capitol from receiving money for hotel rooms and meals has been delayed. One affected lawmaker accused those from farther away of taking advantage of per diem rates too.