The meeting comes on the heels of reports that one child went missing and another may have experienced abuse at a migrant facility in Chattanooga for 12- to 17 year-olds.
A New Bill Would Give Tennessee Lawmakers, Not Just The Governor, A Say In Refugee Resettlement
Two Republican lawmakers want to give the legislature the power to decide whether refugees should be allowed to resettle in Tennessee. The bill (SB1567/HB1578), filed by Sen. Joey Hensley, R-Hohenwald, and Rep. Bruce Griffey, R-Paris, is the latest in a contentious debate between the legislature and Gov. Bill Lee.
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee Bucks GOP Leaders To Continue Receiving Refugees
Gov. Bill Lee announced on Wednesday that Tennessee will continue to allow refugees to be resettled in the state, defying legislative leaders within his own party. His decision comes weeks before the deadline given by President Donald Trump to states to either consent to or reject resettlements in writing.
TN Lawmakers Commission – Then Reject – Study Showing Refugees Contribute To Economy
Conservative Republican lawmakers have been trying to figure out how much refugees are costing Tennessee, so they commissioned a study to look into it. Now, those lawmakers don’t like what the researchers found.