The portion of Tennessee high school seniors enrolling in college is rebounding from a pandemic-era dip.
Tennessee Promise extends FAFSA deadline to May 31
Students who want to participate in Tennessee Promise need to submit their FAFSA by Wednesday, May 15.
Why Many Tennessee Students Aren’t Going To College, Despite Free Tuition
Roughly 40% of Tennessee seniors take steps to enroll in college, but don’t follow through in the fall.
Tennessee Students Have Until June 1 To Complete An Important College Scholarship Requirement
Tennessee’s class of 2021 is running out of time to maintain eligibility for one of the state’s biggest scholarship programs.
More Students Unprepared For College Post-Tennessee Promise
Listen The rate of Tennessee’s college freshman taking remedial courses in math and reading at public colleges is back on the rise. And the reason appears to be the state’s free community college program — Tennessee Promise.
Does Tennessee’s Free Community College Program Shortchange Low-Income Students?
Listen Tennessee Promise, the state’s free community college program for eligible high school seniors, could be shortchanging low-income students. Researchers say these students are often saddled with non-tuition expenses, which the program doesn’t pay for. But a top education official in Tennessee argues their findings fail to take into account efforts to help needy students […]
Applications For Tennessee Promise Open As Its First Class Finishes
Listen School hasn’t even started for most students, but state officials want high school seniors to start planning for after graduation. Starting today, the class of 2018 can apply for Tennessee Promise, the governor’s signature education plan allowing high school graduates to attend community or technical college tuition-free. Students have to apply to the program […]
Tennessee Could Be The Star In Next Week’s State Of The Union Address
President Barack Obama has been touting two Tennessee programs in the lead-up to his State of the Union address.
Tennessee GOP Support For Obama’s Free Community College Plan Is Lukewarm So Far
As President Obama announced his free community college plan in Knoxville today, he was joined by top Republican lawmakers. But this doesn’t necessarily mean Obama’s proposal is getting bipartisan support.
Obama To Propose A Free Community College Plan Similar To Tennessee Promise
In President Obama’s third visit to Tennessee in the past year, he will be announcing a proposal that would make community college free for all Americans. “We also have make sure that everybody has the opportunity to constantly train themselves for better jobs, better wages, better benefits,” he said in a video Thursday night.