The WPLN newsroom has received several awards in the past few months.
The national Sigma Delta Chi Award for Feature Reporting by the Society of Professional Journalists was given to WPLN’s Meribah Knight and ProPublica’s Ken Armstrong for their reporting on Rutherford County in 2021.
Three Public Media Journalist Association Awards, which are based on newsroom size by peers in public radio, have been given to WPLN News reporters and editors:
- Paige Pfleger — News Feature, First Place: One Woman’s Death Illustrates How Guns Can Stay In Dangerous Hands In Tennessee
- Tony Gonzalez, Rachel Iacovone, Mack Linebaugh & staff — Multi-Media Presentation, Second Place: The Tennessee Tornadoes of 2020, One Year Later
- Rachel Iacovone — Spot News, Second Place: A Snow Day In Nashville Means Sledding And Skating – Yes, Outdoor Skating
WPLN News also has four finalists for the Tennessee Association of Broadcasters Excellence in Broadcasting Awards. These statewide awards showcase the best in broadcasting in Tennessee. The winners will be announced in October.
- Ambriehl Crutchfield: A Nashville Neighborhood Debates: Will Tracking License Plates Do Anything to Address the Root Causes of Crime?
- Ambriehl Crutchfield: Nashville Residents are Falling Through Loopholes in Federal Eviction Moratorium
- Damon Mitchell & Samantha Max: Prisons are Making People Sick — And Not Just Those Behind Bars
- Damon Mitchell & Tasha A.F. Lemley: Waverly Flooding and Its Aftermath
With the work WPLN News does each day, we are grateful to have community support on our side, engaged in and supporting work that is so vital to our community.