What, exactly, is happening with Metro Arts? Plus your local newscast for May 29, 2024.
Listen: Mermaids, mushroom fairies and royalty joust and jest at the Tennessee Renaissance Festival
The Tennessee Renaissance Festival runs each weekend in May at Williamson County’s Castle Park.
Where Tennessee’s medieval enthusiasts find community
The Tennessee Renaissance Festival is an annual tradition. Each weekend in May, knights, fair maidens, vikings, faeries, mermaids, pirates, wenches and plainclothes time travelers gather on the streets of Covington Glen, in Williamson County’s Castle Park.
Three key ingredients for Nashville food pop-ups? Creativity, collaboration and community.
Traditional business strategy is about beating the competition. But In Nashville’s local food scene, you’re likely to see restaurants working together, often in one-time, pop-up collaborations.
These Nashville middle schoolers create, dance and perform to celebrate Black history, connecting in a deeper way
Students and families filed into the gymnasium at Thurgood Marshall Middle School in Southeast Nashville. Kids buzzed with Friday afternoon excitement, as they filled in the bleachers and got ready for the Black History Month program to start.
‘Everybody’s got an Exit/In story’: Remembering a Music City proving ground as it plays its last shows
A mainstay in Nashville’s independent music scene is on its way out. Exit/In is just the latest casualty of Music City’s hot real estate market.
Exit/In, Midtown music venue beloved by locals, will close Nov. 24
The owner of Exit/In announced Nov. 23’s Diarrhea Planet will be their last show, capping off 51 years of local music in midtown Nashville.
How a Persian-owned rug business in Nashville is keeping the art of weaving alive
On a Tuesday at Abbas Rugs, the early afternoon sunlight is beaming in, and the faint, earthy smell of the mung bean soup the staff had for lunch that day hangs in the air. Off to the side is a seating area made up of classic sofas, decorated with its own perfectly-placed rug and coffee […]
How culture, community and history shape textile arts in Nashville
In every part of the world, across cultures and throughout history, textiles have been used to make and share art. It’s flexible and able to take the form of quilting, weaving, printmaking or sewing. The art form has been passed down through generations, and its purpose ranges from decorative to utilitarian to revolutionary. In this […]
Sexism and the role of women in country music
Women appear in as few as 10 percent of the songs on country radio. How did we get here? And how have women found ways to fight back and find paths for themselves? Writer and journalist Marissa R. Moss unpacks these questions and more.